Friday, November 26, 2010

My Happy Journal

New Years is quickly approaching and with the new year always comes New Years Resolutions....

I'm not going to lie. I honestly do not remember any of my resolutions for this past year. I'm not even sure I had any. I was a new mommy with a baby only a couple of months old. I'm pretty sure all I was focusing on was breastfeeding, changing poopy diapers, trying to look decent and sleep when I could.

Once again I've been inspired. This time, I've been inspired to keep a "Positivity Journal" aka "Happy Journal". The goal: Everyday at the end of the day, write something down that I'm thankful for or write down a memory or moment of the day that I appreciated or made me happy. I need this! For one, I would like to remember all those great moments that take place on regular days. It seems so easy to forget the "little" things in life or not appreciate those quiet blessed moments of a clean house or being blessed with yummy food in the refrigerator, snuggling with my Noah or cuddling on the couch with the hubby. My goal these last couple of months and my goal in life is to really try to have positive thinking. I've always been quite the realist and am very bubbly and for the most part positive...but I've also been the kind of person to let things get to me. The smallest of things or the biggest. I want to live my life to the fullest. I want to appreciate every moment, the biggest moment and the smallest moment. So therefore, I'm keeping a "happy journal".

My happy moment of the day today: Noah coming and laying his head on my shoulder just to give me some extra love. With him being a toddler now and runnning all over the place, these snuggles are starting to be far and few between. So I'll take what I can get ;)

My other happy moment of the day: Getting Adam a Christmas present from Noah. I found some Darth Vader sleep pants and boxers. My hubby is a Star Wars fanatic. He will be very excited by this. I'm not even sure if he will wear them...might put them with all his collectors stuff. lol.

I encourage you all to think of your "happy" moment of the day!

1 comment:

  1. I had a lot of happy moments today, but the best was probably just walking around Lowe's with Aaron. The way we were talking and laughing just reminded me why he has been my best friend through the years and how much I love him for that. It was a nice reminder, especially with how hectic our lives have been lately, to be reminded of where our love began and why we are who we are.
